Sample BadgeThe IPMVP® and its full name, International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol®, are trademarks of Efficiency Valuation Organization®. Nominative fair use of the said trademarks is permitted when referring to EVO’s goods and services associated with the marks. However, some companies use the IPMVP® trademark to promote their commercial activities. This creates confusion within the industry.

To avoid such misuse of the IPMVP® trademark, EVO is introducing the IPMVP COMPANY QUALIFICATION program. This program is meant to authorize M&V service providers to use our valued trademark under the specific conditions listed below. The program should help the industry, governments, and other institutions that rely on the IPMVP in their programs, regulations, and legislation recognize M&V Services Providers that adhere to the IPMVP.

All proceeds of the IPMVP company qualification program will be used to finance the development and maintenance of the IPMVP Core Concepts and accompanying application guides.

More details coming soon!